@@ -1,130 +1,59 @@
import {
- ApiModel
+ ApiModel
} from './utils/api';
+import {
+ evidence,
+ update
+} from './utils/pay';
- onLaunch() {
- //自动登录
- if (wx.getStorageSync('userMsg').token && ![1007, 1008, 1155].includes(wx.getLaunchOptionsSync().scene)) this.globalData.http.basic({
- "classname": "webmanage.site.site",
- "method": "querySite_Parameter",
- "content": {}
- }).then(res => {
- console.log("验证登录", res)
- if (res.msg == '成功') {
- const loginMsg = require("./pages/login/modules/login");
- loginMsg.query_userauth();
- }
- })
- },
- initSocket() {
- let that = this;
- this.globalData.SocketTask = wx.connectSocket({
- // url: 'wss://meida.cnyunl.com/yos/webSocket/' + wx.getStorageSync('userMsg').token,
- url: 'ws://' + wx.getStorageSync('userMsg').token,
- complete: (res) => {
- console.log(res)
- }
- })
- this.globalData.SocketTask.onOpen(function (res) {
- that.globalData.socketEstablish = true;
- })
- this.globalData.SocketTask.onMessage(function (res) {
- that.globalData.socket.callback(res)
- let data = JSON.parse(res.data);
- if (data.message.type == 'pay') {
- that.globalData.http.basic({
- "classname": "system.payorder.payorder",
- "method": "query_userauth",
- content: {
- nocache: true
- }
- }).then(res => {
- console.log('更新付费信息', res)
- wx.setStorageSync('userauth', res.data);
- wx.showToast({
- title: '应用付费信息已更新',
- icon: "none"
- })
- let page = getCurrentPages().find(v => v.__route__ == 'pages/tabbar/home/index')
- if (page) {
- page.refreshData();
- } else {
- that.globalData.refreshData();
- }
- });
- }
- })
- this.globalData.SocketTask.onError(function (res) {
- that.globalData.socketEstablish = false;
- })
- this.globalData.SocketTask.onClose(function (res) {
- that.globalData.socketEstablish = false;
- })
- },
- globalData: {
- http: new ApiModel(), //接口文件
- queryPer: require("./utils/queryPermissions"), //权限查询
- socketEstablish: false, //是否已经建立socket
- SocketTask: '', // Socket方法
- socket: { // Socket回调
- that: null, //保存this
- callback: function () {}
- },
- refreshData: null, //保存首页更新应用信息函数
- evidence: item => { //验证付费凭证,通过后跳转
- let userType = wx.getStorageSync('userMsg').usertype,
- isLeader = userType == 21;
- //应用是否开通,开通直接跳转
- if (item.isneedpay) return wx.showModal({
- title: '提示',
- content: `当前模块未付费,是否付费使用?`,
- confirmText: "前往付费",
- cancelText: isLeader ? "取消" : "提醒付费",
- complete: (res) => {
- if (res.confirm) {
- getApp().globalData.http.basic({
- "classname": "system.payorder.payorder",
- "method": "createOrder",
- "content": {},
- }).then(res => {
- console.log("新建订单", res)
- if (res.msg != '成功') return wx.showToast({
- title: res.msg,
- icon: "none",
- mask: true
- });
- wx.navigateTo({
- url: '/pages/teams/addOrder?sys_payorderid=' + res.data.sys_payorderid
- })
- })
- }
- if (res.cancel) {
- if (!isLeader) getApp().globalData.http.basic({
- "classname": "system.payorder.payorder",
- "method": "sendMessage",
- "content": {
- "sys_payorderid": ""
- }
- }).then(s => {
- wx.showToast({
- title: '已发送消息到主体主账号',
- icon: "none"
- })
- })
- }
- }
- })
- if (item.label == "营销物料") {
- wx.switchTab({
- url: item.path
- });
- } else {
- wx.navigateTo({
- url: item.path
- });
- }
- }
+ onLaunch() {
+ //自动登录
+ if (wx.getStorageSync('userMsg').token && ![1007, 1008, 1155].includes(wx.getLaunchOptionsSync().scene)) this.globalData.http.basic({
+ "classname": "webmanage.site.site",
+ "method": "querySite_Parameter",
+ "content": {}
+ }).then(res => {
+ console.log("验证登录", res)
+ if (res.msg == '成功') {
+ const loginMsg = require("./pages/login/modules/login");
+ loginMsg.query_userauth();
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ initSocket() {
+ let that = this;
+ this.globalData.SocketTask = wx.connectSocket({
+ url: (this.globalData.http.baseUrl + '/yos/webSocket/').replace("https", "wss").replace("http", "ws") + wx.getStorageSync('userMsg').token,
+ complete: (res) => {
+ console.log(res)
+ }
+ })
+ this.globalData.SocketTask.onOpen(function (res) {
+ that.globalData.socketEstablish = true;
+ })
+ this.globalData.SocketTask.onMessage(function (res) {
+ that.globalData.socket.callback(res)
+ let data = JSON.parse(res.data);
+ if (data.message.type == 'pay') update(that);
+ })
+ this.globalData.SocketTask.onError(function (res) {
+ that.globalData.socketEstablish = false;
+ })
+ this.globalData.SocketTask.onClose(function (res) {
+ that.globalData.socketEstablish = false;
+ })
+ },
+ globalData: {
+ http: new ApiModel(), //接口文件
+ queryPer: require("./utils/queryPermissions"), //权限查询
+ socketEstablish: false, //是否已经建立socket
+ SocketTask: '', // Socket方法
+ socket: { // Socket回调
+ that: null, //保存this
+ callback: function () {}
+ refreshData: null, //保存首页更新应用信息函数
+ evidence
+ },