const _Http = getApp().globalData.http; let downCount = null; Page({ data: { userMsg: {}, pathList: [], //功能权限 teamAuth: '', //团队管理权限列表 JSON字符串 用于传递 }, onLoad(options) { this.queryUserMsg(); let authlist = getApp().globalData.queryPer.query(wx.getStorageSync('userauth'), ['通用'], ['个人中心']); let pathList = [{ name: "修改登录密码", icon: "icon-a-wodeguanyuyingyong", color: "var(--warning)", path: `/pages/tabbar/mine/changePassword/index` }] if (authlist.length != 0) authlist[0].apps.forEach(v => { switch ( { case "teamManagement": console.log(v) pathList.unshift({ name: "团队管理", icon: "icon-a-wodetuanduiguanli", color: "var(--assist)", path: `/${v.path}` }) this.setData({ teamAuth: JSON.stringify(v.meta.auth) }) break; } }); this.setData({ pathList }) }, /* 查询用户信息 */ queryUserMsg() { _Http.basic({ "classname": "common.usercenter.usercenter", "method": "queryUserMsg", "content": { "nocache": true } }).then(res => { if (res.msg != '成功') return wx.showToast({ title: res.msg, icon: "none" }) this.setData({ userMsg: }) }) }, onShow() { this.getTabBar().init(); }, /* 退出登录 */ outLogin() { clearTimeout(downCount); wx.showLoading({ title: '正在退出...', }) downCount = setTimeout(() => { _Http.logout().then(res => { wx.showToast({ title: '退出成功' }); let loginMsg = wx.getStorageSync("loginMsg"); wx.clearStorageSync(); wx.setStorageSync('loginMsg', loginMsg) wx.setStorageSync('isAgree', true) setTimeout(() => { wx.reLaunch({ url: '/pages/login/phone', }) }, 300) }) }, 300); }, /* 去修改用户信息 */ changeUserMsg() { let { name, phonenumber, attinfos, hr } =; wx.navigateTo({ url: `./userMsg/index?attinfos=${JSON.stringify(attinfos)}&name=${name}&phonenumber=${phonenumber}&email=${}` }) }, /* 绑定或解绑微信 */ bindingWechat(e) { if ( { let that = this; wx.showModal({ title: "提示", content: "是否解除绑定", success: (res) => { if (res.confirm) that.handleBDWechat(0); } }) } else { this.handleBDWechat(1); } }, handleBDWechat(isbinging) { let that = this; wx.getUserProfile({ desc: '用于完善用户资料', success: ({ userInfo }) => { wx.login({ success(res) { if (res.code) _Http.basic({ "classname": "common.usercenter.usercenter", "method": "WechatBinding", content: { "wechat_code": res.code, isbinging, // 0解绑 1绑定 wechatuserinfo: userInfo, appid: "wxc1b6ae925ac1d06a" } }).then(s => { if (s.msg != '成功') return wx.showToast({ title:, icon: "none" }); setTimeout(() => { wx.showToast({ title: isbinging == 0 ? '解除成功' : '绑定成功', icon: "none" }) }, 100); that.queryUserMsg(); }) } }) }, fail: () => { wx.showToast({ title: '操作失败,未获得授权', icon: "none" }) } }) }, /* 前去查询 */ bindingOfficialAccounts() { wx.navigateTo({ url: './webView', }) } })