@@ -4,238 +4,236 @@ import util from '../../../utils/util'
const app = getApp()
- /**
- * 组件的属性列表
- */
- options: {
- multipleSlots: true // 复数插槽: 是
- },
- properties: {
- formLayoutData:{
- value:{},
- type:Object
- }
- },
- /**
- * 组件的初始数据
- */
- data: {
- pickerVisible:false,
- dateVisible:false,
- cascaderVisible:false,
- disabledStatus:false,
- pickerIndex:0,
- timePickerValue:'',
- actPicker:{},
- options:[]
- },
- /**
- * 组件的方法列表
- */
- lifetimes:{
- created(){
+ /**
+ * 组件的属性列表
+ */
+ options: {
+ multipleSlots: true // 复数插槽: 是
- attached () {
- this.getarealist()
- getApp().globalData.formData = this
- }
- },
- methods: {
- onBlur (detail) {
- let data = detail.currentTarget.dataset.item
- let index = detail.currentTarget.dataset.index
- this.data.formLayoutData.formInfo[index].inputValue = detail.detail.value
- if (data.role.formatter) {
- let regStatus = data.role.formatter(detail.detail.value)
- this.setErrorMsg(regStatus,index)
- }
+ properties: {
+ formLayoutData: {
+ value: {},
+ type: Object
+ }
- onClear (detail) {
- let index = detail.currentTarget.dataset.index
- this.data.formLayoutData.formInfo[index].inputValue = detail.detail.value
- this.setData({
- formLayoutData:this.data.formLayoutData
- })
+ /**
+ * 组件的初始数据
+ */
+ data: {
+ pickerVisible: false,
+ dateVisible: false,
+ cascaderVisible: false,
+ disabledStatus: false,
+ pickerIndex: 0,
+ timePickerValue: '',
+ actPicker: {},
+ options: []
- onPicker (detail) {
- let data = detail.currentTarget.dataset.item
- this.setData({
- pickerIndex:detail.currentTarget.dataset.index,
- pickerVisible:true,
- actPicker:{
- label:data.label,
- data:data.data
- }
- })
- console.log(this.data.formLayoutData.formInfo)
- },
- onPickerConfirm (detail) {
- this.data.formLayoutData.formInfo[this.data.pickerIndex].inputValue = detail.detail.value[0]
- this.data.actPicker.data.forEach(e=>{
- if (e.value === detail.detail.value[0]) {
- this.data.formLayoutData.formInfo.filter(v=>{
- if (v.id === e.hide) {
- v.force = false
- v.errorMsg = null,
- v.inputValue = 0
- }
- })
+ /**
+ * 组件的方法列表
+ */
+ lifetimes: {
+ created() {},
+ attached() {
+ this.getarealist()
+ getApp().globalData.formData = this
- })
- this.setData({
- formLayoutData:this.data.formLayoutData
- })
- },
- showDatePicker (detail) {
- let data = detail.currentTarget.dataset.item
- this.setData({
- pickerIndex:detail.currentTarget.dataset.index,
- dateVisible:true,
- timePickerValue:data.inputValue
- })
- },
- onTimePickerConfirm (detail) {
- this.data.formLayoutData.formInfo[this.data.pickerIndex].inputValue = detail.detail.value
- this.setData({
- formLayoutData:this.data.formLayoutData
- })
- },
- showCascader (detail) {
- let data = detail.currentTarget.dataset.item
- this.setData({
- pickerIndex:detail.currentTarget.dataset.index,
- cascaderVisible:true,
- })
+ methods: {
- // onChange (detail) {
- // let data = detail.currentTarget.dataset.item
+ onBlur(detail) {
- // let index = detail.currentTarget.dataset.index
+ let data = detail.currentTarget.dataset.item
- // this.data.formLayoutData.formInfo[index].inputValue = detail.detail.value
+ let index = detail.currentTarget.dataset.index
- // if (data.role.formatter) {
+ this.data.formLayoutData.formInfo[index].inputValue = detail.detail.value
- // let regStatus = data.role.formatter(detail.detail.value)
- // this.setErrorMsg(regStatus,index)
- // }
- // },
- onChange (detail) {
- this.data.formLayoutData.formInfo[this.data.pickerIndex].inputValue = detail.detail.selectedOptions.map(e=>{
- return e.value
- }).join(',')
- this.setData({
- formLayoutData:this.data.formLayoutData
- })
- },
- validate (fn) {
- let arr = this.data.formLayoutData.formInfo.map((e,index)=>{
- // console.log(e)
- if (!e.force) return e
- console.log(e)
- if (e.label === '关联订单') {
- console.log(e.force && e.inputValue !== '')
- }
- if (e.force && e.inputValue !== '') {
- if (e.role.formatter) {
- let regStatus = e.role.formatter(e.inputValue)
- this.setErrorMsg(regStatus,index)
- } else {
- this.setErrorMsg('',index)
- }
- } else {
- console.log(e.label)
- this.setErrorMsg(e.label + '不能为空',index)
- }
- return e
- })
+ if (data.role.formatter) {
- let isValidate = !arr.some(item=>item.errorMsg && item.errorMsg !== '')
- fn(isValidate)
- },
- setErrorMsg (msg,index) {
+ let regStatus = data.role.formatter(detail.detail.value)
- this.data.formLayoutData.formInfo[index].errorMsg = msg
- this.setData({
- formLayoutData:this.data.formLayoutData
- })
- },
- async getarealist () {
- const res = await api.arealist()
- this.setData({
- options:util.createMenu(res.data)
- })
- },
- setObjectData (data) {
- let that = this, obj = {}
- that.setData({
- disabledStatus:false
- })
- that.compData = that.selectComponent("#upload")
- that.compData.toSetFileData().then(e=>{
- that.setData({
- disabledStatus:false
- })
- data.forEach(e=>{
- if (e.type === 'upload') {
- e.inputValue = that.compData.data.attachmentids
- }
- obj[e.id] = e.inputValue
- })
- if (obj.provinceArr) {
- let arr = obj.provinceArr.split(",")
- obj.province = arr[0]
- obj.city = arr[1]
- obj.county = arr[2]
- }
- that.triggerEvent("click", obj);
- })
- },
- formSubmit () {
- var that = this
- console.log(this.data.formLayoutData.formInfo)
- that.validate((valid) => {
- console.log(valid)
- if (valid) {
- that.setObjectData(that.data.formLayoutData.formInfo)
- } else {
- return false;
+ this.setErrorMsg(regStatus, index)
+ }
+ },
+ onClear(detail) {
+ let index = detail.currentTarget.dataset.index
+ this.data.formLayoutData.formInfo[index].inputValue = detail.detail.value
+ this.setData({
+ formLayoutData: this.data.formLayoutData
+ })
+ },
+ onPicker(detail) {
+ let data = detail.currentTarget.dataset.item
+ this.setData({
+ pickerIndex: detail.currentTarget.dataset.index,
+ pickerVisible: true,
+ actPicker: {
+ label: data.label,
+ data: data.data
+ }
+ })
+ console.log(this.data.formLayoutData.formInfo)
+ },
+ onPickerConfirm(detail) {
+ this.data.formLayoutData.formInfo[this.data.pickerIndex].inputValue = detail.detail.value[0]
+ this.data.actPicker.data.forEach(e => {
+ if (e.value === detail.detail.value[0]) {
+ this.data.formLayoutData.formInfo.filter(v => {
+ if (v.id === e.hide) {
+ v.force = false
+ v.errorMsg = null,
+ v.inputValue = 0
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ this.setData({
+ formLayoutData: this.data.formLayoutData
+ })
+ },
+ showDatePicker(detail) {
+ let data = detail.currentTarget.dataset.item
+ this.setData({
+ pickerIndex: detail.currentTarget.dataset.index,
+ dateVisible: true,
+ timePickerValue: data.inputValue
+ })
+ },
+ onTimePickerConfirm(detail) {
+ this.data.formLayoutData.formInfo[this.data.pickerIndex].inputValue = detail.detail.value
+ this.setData({
+ formLayoutData: this.data.formLayoutData
+ })
+ },
+ showCascader(detail) {
+ let data = detail.currentTarget.dataset.item
+ this.setData({
+ pickerIndex: detail.currentTarget.dataset.index,
+ cascaderVisible: true,
+ })
+ },
+ // onChange (detail) {
+ // let data = detail.currentTarget.dataset.item
+ // let index = detail.currentTarget.dataset.index
+ // this.data.formLayoutData.formInfo[index].inputValue = detail.detail.value
+ // if (data.role.formatter) {
+ // let regStatus = data.role.formatter(detail.detail.value)
+ // this.setErrorMsg(regStatus,index)
+ // }
+ // },
+ onChange(detail) {
+ this.data.formLayoutData.formInfo[this.data.pickerIndex].inputValue = detail.detail.selectedOptions.map(e => {
+ return e.value
+ }).join(',')
+ this.setData({
+ formLayoutData: this.data.formLayoutData
+ })
+ },
+ validate(fn) {
+ let arr = this.data.formLayoutData.formInfo.map((e, index) => {
+ // console.log(e)
+ if (!e.force) return e
+ console.log(e)
+ if (e.label === '关联订单') {
+ console.log(e.force && e.inputValue !== '')
+ }
+ if (e.force && e.inputValue !== '') {
+ if (e.role.formatter) {
+ let regStatus = e.role.formatter(e.inputValue)
+ this.setErrorMsg(regStatus, index)
+ } else {
+ this.setErrorMsg('', index)
+ }
+ } else {
+ console.log(e.label)
+ this.setErrorMsg(e.label + '不能为空', index)
+ }
+ return e
+ })
+ let isValidate = !arr.some(item => item.errorMsg && item.errorMsg !== '')
+ fn(isValidate)
+ },
+ setErrorMsg(msg, index) {
+ this.data.formLayoutData.formInfo[index].errorMsg = msg
+ this.setData({
+ formLayoutData: this.data.formLayoutData
+ })
+ },
+ async getarealist() {
+ const res = await api.arealist()
+ this.setData({
+ options: util.createMenu(res.data)
+ })
+ },
+ setObjectData(data) {
+ let that = this,
+ obj = {}
+ that.setData({
+ disabledStatus: false
+ })
+ that.compData = that.selectComponent("#upload")
+ that.compData.toSetFileData().then(e => {
+ that.setData({
+ disabledStatus: false
+ })
+ data.forEach(e => {
+ if (e.type === 'upload') {
+ e.inputValue = that.compData.data.attachmentids
+ }
+ obj[e.id] = e.inputValue
+ })
+ if (obj.provinceArr) {
+ let arr = obj.provinceArr.split(",")
+ obj.province = arr[0]
+ obj.city = arr[1]
+ obj.county = arr[2]
+ }
+ that.triggerEvent("click", obj);
+ })
+ },
+ formSubmit() {
+ var that = this
+ that.validate((valid) => {
+ console.log(valid)
+ if (valid) {
+ that.setObjectData(that.data.formLayoutData.formInfo)
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
- });
- }