@@ -28,13 +28,17 @@ Page({
reminddays: 0,
onLoad(options) {
+ const authOptions = wx.getStorageSync('auth').worderform.options;
+ const checkPermission = (permission) => authOptions.includes(permission);
sa_orderid: options.id,
order_rebate_used: wx.getStorageSync('siteP').order_rebate_used,
userrole: wx.getStorageSync('userrole'),
- isSubmit: wx.getStorageSync('auth').worderform.options.some(v => v == 'submit'),
- isDelete: wx.getStorageSync('auth').worderform.options.some(v => v == 'delete'),
- fixATime: wx.getStorageSync('auth').worderform.options.some(v => v == 'fixATime'),
+ isSubmit: checkPermission('submit'),
+ isDelete: checkPermission("delete"),
+ fixATime: checkPermission("fixATime"),
+ isRecall: checkPermission("recall"),
+ isSure: checkPermission("sure"),
@@ -625,9 +629,56 @@ Page({
title: s.code != '1' ? s.msg : getApp().globalData.Language.getMapText('提交成功'),
icon: "none"
- if (s.code == '1') this.setData({
- "detail.status": "提交"
- })
+ if (s.code == '1') this.getDetail(true, false)
+ })
+ },
+ confirmSubmit() {
+ let that = this;
+ wx.showModal({
+ cancelText: getApp().globalData.Language.getMapText('取消'),
+ confirmText: getApp().globalData.Language.getMapText('确定'),
+ title: getApp().globalData.Language.getMapText('提示'),
+ content: getApp().globalData.Language.getMapText('是否确认提交订单') + '?',
+ complete: (res) => {
+ if (res.confirm) _Http.basic({
+ "id": 2025011514120303,
+ "content": {
+ sa_orderid: that.data.sa_orderid,
+ reminddays: that.data.reminddays
+ },
+ }).then(s => {
+ console.log("确定提交订单", s)
+ wx.showToast({
+ title: s.code != '1' ? s.msg : getApp().globalData.Language.getMapText('提交成功'),
+ icon: "none"
+ });
+ if (s.code == '1') that.getDetail(true, false)
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ recall() {
+ let that = this;
+ wx.showModal({
+ cancelText: getApp().globalData.Language.getMapText('取消'),
+ confirmText: getApp().globalData.Language.getMapText('确定'),
+ title: getApp().globalData.Language.getMapText('提示'),
+ content: getApp().globalData.Language.getMapText('是否确认撤回订单') + '?',
+ complete: (res) => {
+ if (res.confirm) _Http.basic({
+ "id": 20230301190202,
+ "content": {
+ sa_orderid: that.data.sa_orderid
+ },
+ }).then(s => {
+ console.log("确定提交订单", s)
+ wx.showToast({
+ title: s.code != '1' ? s.msg : getApp().globalData.Language.getMapText('撤回成功'),
+ icon: "none"
+ });
+ if (s.code == '1') that.getDetail(true, false)
+ })
+ }
stepperSubmit() {