(#187)pickr.on('init', instance => {
// Grab actual input-element
const {result} = instance.getRoot().interaction;
// Listen to any key-events
result.addEventListener('keydown', e => {
// Detect whever the user pressed "Enter" on their keyboard
if (e.key === 'Enter') {
instance.applyColor(); // Save the currently selected color
instance.hide(); // Hide modal
}, {capture: true});
@GreenFootballs showed in #241 a way to extend pickr so that you can add or remove a whole list of swatches:
Note: Extending prototypes is generally considered bad practice, but in this case its reasonable as there won't be any new features.
Pickr.prototype.getSwatches = function() {
return this._swatchColors.reduce((arr, swatch) => {
return arr;
}, [] );
Pickr.prototype.setSwatches = function(swatches) {
if (!swatches.length) return;
for (let i = this._swatchColors.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
swatches.forEach(swatch => this.addSwatch(swatch));
Feel free to submit a PR or open an issue if you got any ideas for more examples!