const FixStyleOnlyEntriesPlugin = require('webpack-fix-style-only-entries'); const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require('mini-css-extract-plugin'); const TerserPlugin = require('terser-webpack-plugin'); const {version} = require('../package'); const bundles = require('./bundles'); const util = require('util'); const webpack = util.promisify(require('webpack')); const path = require('path'); (async () => { const banner = new webpack.BannerPlugin(`Pickr ${version} MIT |`); // CSS await webpack({ mode: 'production', entry: { 'classic': path.resolve('./src/scss/themes/classic.scss'), 'monolith': path.resolve('./src/scss/themes/monolith.scss'), 'nano': path.resolve('./src/scss/themes/nano.scss') }, output: { path: path.resolve('./dist/themes') }, module: { rules: [ { test: /\.scss$/, use: [ MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader, 'css-loader', { loader: 'postcss-loader', options: { postcssOptions: { plugins: [ require('autoprefixer') ] } }, }, 'sass-loader' ] } ] }, plugins: [ banner, new FixStyleOnlyEntriesPlugin(), new MiniCssExtractPlugin({ filename: '[name].min.css' }) ] }); // Chaining promises to prevent issues caused by both filename configurations // writing a minified CSS file; both processes having handles on the files can // result in strange suffixes that fail to parse due to an extra `ap*/` for (const {filename, babelConfig} of bundles) { console.log(`Create ${filename}`); await webpack({ mode: 'production', entry: path.resolve('./src/js/pickr.js'), output: { filename, path: path.resolve('./dist'), library: 'Pickr', libraryExport: 'default', libraryTarget: 'umd' }, module: { rules: [ { test: /\.m?js$/, exclude: /@babel(?:\/|\\{1,2})runtime|core-js/, include: [ path.join(__dirname, '..', 'node_modules/nanopop'), path.join(__dirname, '..', 'src') ], use: [ { loader: 'babel-loader', options: babelConfig } ] } ] }, plugins: [ banner, new webpack.SourceMapDevToolPlugin({ filename: `${filename}.map` }), new webpack.DefinePlugin({ VERSION: JSON.stringify(version) }) ], optimization: { minimizer: [ new TerserPlugin({ extractComments: false }) ] } }); } console.log('Done'); })();