@@ -205,6 +205,17 @@ public class AutoDockItemService extends ServiceController {
+ if (itemRowsMapAll.get(jsonObject.getString("fitemno")).get(0).getLong("sa_customschemeid")==0) {
+ Rows rows = dbConnect.runSqlQuery("SELECT sa_itemgroupid from sa_itemgroupmx WHERE itemid=" + itemid + " and siteid='" + siteid + "' ");
+ ArrayList<Long> sa_itemgroupids = rows.toArrayList("sa_itemgroupid", new ArrayList<>());
+ for (Long sa_itemgroupid : sa_itemgroupids) {
+ int count = dbConnect.runSqlQuery(0, "SELECT count(0) count from sa_itemgroupmx WHERE sa_itemgroupid=" + sa_itemgroupid + " and siteid='" + siteid + "' ").getInteger("count");
+ if (count == 1) {
+ sqlList.add("update sa_itemgroup set groupname='"+jsonObject.getString("fitemname")+"' where sa_itemgroupid=" + sa_itemgroupid + " and siteid='" + siteid + "' ");
+ }
+ }
+ }
boolean iscustomsize = false;
if (spec.equals("custom") || cheek.equals("custom") || material.equals("custom") || color.equals("custom")) {
iscustomsize = true;